Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday morning and the start of a healthy week in Nursery!


Good morning.  We have another fun packed week planned with a focus on healthy eating.  We have had a McDonalds Drive-Thru in the playground last week, at the behest of the children and this has led to a discussion about how we eat to keep healthy. We have doubled our fruit order and are going for fruity  and vegetably snacks and are reading lots of stories about eating well and exercising.  I am hoping that this will have some kind of motivational effect on me too, though the chances, unlike myself, are quite slim!!!!

We are playing out in the garden all week, so please can you check your wee one has wellies in nursery.

We are also practising our counting and awareness of number with lots of fun activities outside and in, to boost our numeracy skills in a fun way.

Monday is SFA football training day and we will be visiting the gym for this.

Next week we have a Scottish week planned.  We will be learning Scots songs and rhymes and talking a lot about Scotland as a place and what makes us feel Scottish.  On Robert Burns’ Birthday – Thursday 25th January – we have booked a very special Burns Day visit from Zoo lab – a special experience with Burns poems and some of the animals Burns wrote poems about.  The cost for this event is £3 per child and due to space, is only open to children who normally attend on a Thursday.





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