On her very first day in nursery, Anna created a beautiful piece of transient art using glass and drawing. She would have really liked to take it home, but the beads were not stuck on, so we have promised she can see it on the blog and we are going to print a photo of it for her special book.
Ava and Aruv also enjoyed making fabulous pictures!
Snack was also a creative experience this afternoon. We made bear sandwiches with bread, chocolate spread, bananas and blueberries. Yum! As you can see our food sculptures were highly individual and some of our sandwich bears had as many as 10 banana ears on! We love an abstract reaction to arty activities and as with everything in nursery, it is the process- the learning and fun we have- which is the most important thing!
We ended up with some very arty looking chocolate painted faces too!
Lauren told Annabelle that she wanted to draw a frog. Annabelle brought a frog book out into the garden and together they looked at all the different parts of the frog. Lauren then went on to draw this great frog with webbed feet and sticky tongue. Well done Lauren!