Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Be a superhero – volunteer as a Parent Helper in Nursery



Our nursery is not just for children and staff- mums and dads are also very welcome to come in and see what we do, and to bring their talents along to share with us.  If you like reading stories or are at all arty, if you like building dens or gardening, if you like playing an instrument or being dramatic, if you like baking or cooking or woodwork- there is a place waiting for you as a Milngavie Nursery Parent Helper.  You do not have to be Damien Hurst or Mary Berry – just enthusiastic.  Perhaps you would like to come with us to the forest or to the local art gallery to see how we learn about our local environment.  There are lots of different ways to be involved.  Why not talk to any member of our staff and volunteer- we’ll take your email address and keep you informed about possible projects or outings you might like to be involved in.

We also ask for your help to make important decisions about our centre, and to  make sure our policies are the right ones for your children-in our Parents’ Focus Group which meets twice a term.  If you can’t come along but would like to make a suggestion or give your opinion, please email  Alternatively, just speak to any member of staff.

In past years we have also had wonderful Nursery Nights for parents where parents have raised money to help us with more expensive ventures.    These evenings are great for getting to know other Nursery mums without having a wee one wrapped round your leg!!! If you are a party animal and like organising events we would love you to volunteer to organise a social evening!

We of course understand that not all parents are in a position to be involved in the life of the Nursery and there is absolutely no pressure to be involved.  If you would like to come along though, in any capacity, we would welcome you warmly and may even be able to provide a cup of tea and a biscuit!!!

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