OneNote; Endless Possibilities

In the Wakelet collection below, I share the benefits of embedding media directly into OneNote to simplify workflow and bring content to life.

Click on the image below to access the collection 👇


Buncee image with the image of a notebook with logos for OneNote, Flipgrid, Wakelet. Office, Buncee and Giphy


About Me

I am an Additional Support Needs teacher at Lanark Grammar School. I am also an MIE Fellow for Scotland, MIE Expert, Master Trainer and MCE (Microsoft Certified Educator). I am also a Flipgrid Student Voice Ambassador and Grid Guide and a Wakelet Ambassador and Community Leader.

I was awarded MIE Expert of the Year for Scotland 2019-20 and I also won a global competition ran by Flipgrid to attend E2 Education Exchange in Sydney, Australia.

You can find me on Twitter: @cgerrard02

Photo of Chris Gerrard


















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