Monday 24th June by Keira McGroarty

HI everyone, I am glad that I am gettIng the chance to share part of my experIence In Malawi as It has taught me many thIngs from how happy the people are here as well as the love they have for everyone around them no matter what. Today Is probably the best day for me to be writing the blog as It was the one experience I knew from the very beginning I would cherish even more than any other. 


Today started off bright but stIll cold lIke it is every mornIng, I have known for a few days that we would be goIng to St Magdalena’s and the primary school and I have been lookIng forward to it as I enjoy meetIng new people that have had different experiences than me and have a lot of tIme and patience for everyone but especIally those younger than me and I enjoy spending tIme wIth new people, I had thought that I would think in church more about the past days and use it as a tIme to thInk because the days are so full on and you don’t really ever get a minute to just think . however , when we arrived to church we discovered that we had the wrong tIme and it started half an hour ago which I was slIghtly glad that I didn’t know because I  was not even half awake at 6 never mind beIng ready and in church before then. After we had realised our mistake we went for breakfast which most of us rushed because we were going to the morning classes, the first class was history whIch I normally dread but strangely enjoyed as the atmosphere was very different and lively despite it being 08:30  In the morning and they had already had a class whereas in scotland we would be just about to start our first class of the day,after history we went to biology where I had been asked to gIve an answer to a question , I have never personally done biology as a subject so I was hesitant to answer but as soon as I dId the class was filled wIth clappIng and cheers from everyone.  For our last 2 classes before lunch we were in a class whIch were learnIng Chichewa whIch I was also urged to answer out before any of my friends which was scary but the response to my probably muttered answer was the same as the first tIme whIch I felt was the most kind and welcomIng response anyone could have gave. 


After the classes and our lunch we headed straight to the primary school whIch was an experience whIch I wIll remember for the rest of my lIfe as all of the kIds ran towards us and we were surrounded by them being gIven hugs upon hugs we then had the pleasure of being able to introduce ourselves and see the classrooms where all the children raced towards to show us them. I had the opportunIty to speak to a few of them myself whIch I felt was the most valuable thing I have been able to do so far in life and I missed being shown half of the classrooms as I was gettIng nearly tipped over with even more hugs,  as we were leavIng we seen all the smiling faces and the waves of disappointment because they didn’t want us to leave and neIther dId I (you can ask Miss McFadden I begged to stay forever more than once).

At St Magdalena’s we played games with the children most having disabilities which would otherwise hold them back but they were amazing and gave everything a try, the one that stuck with me the most was a little boy who had cerebral palsy and I watched him go from struggling to throw the ball to being able to pick itup and throw it to others, the most rewarding  part of the full day has honestly been seeing the happiness the simple things bring here and the way it has opened my eyes, making me realise I definitely would want to volunteer in Malawi specifically in teaching or something to do with the schools. 


4 thoughts on “Monday 24th June by Keira McGroarty”

  1. Hi everyone, I really liked reading your blog Keira and found myself getting quite emotional reading about the young kids and how happy they were to see you all. Stay strong and keep up the good work. Jackie 👍

  2. Aww Keira we can actually you see you there through your blog. We know that probably made you miss your nephews and niece even more and we know you would have loved it as much as the children. We are super proud of you and the rest of the gang. Keep enjoying your adventure and can’t wait to hear more about it when you come home.
    Mum and Dad

  3. Ah Kiera that was an emotional read – you described it so well I could vividly imagine all those hugs from the children at St.Magdelena’s. Although you had to leave, you’ll have all that love in your heart forever. Another wonderful day for everyone 🩷

  4. Kiera, beautifully written, sounds like a wonderful day, something to cherish forever, love hearing about all your adventures

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