Sunday 23rd June by Aaron Rai

Hello parents, it is your favourite S6 pupil Aaron S. Rai typing this blog today. We were able to sleep in today as the morning mass was at 8am, however I still woke up at 2am with no mosquito net around my bed. I sat for 10 minutes questioning what happened as I remember securing it around my bed. I went back to sleep and was awoken by my 6:30am alarm which was my indicator to go for a shower before a long day. The morning mass lasted around 60 minutes then we rushed through breakfast so we could get a minibus to another, larger mass which involved much singing and dancing which was entertaining to watch however all was said in the language of Chitumbuka so I didn’t actually understand. At this larger mass Aidan and I wore kilts for the first time and not to brag, I wore it better than him as my colour coordination was on point unlike his black, purple and white colour scheme. Near the end of the mass we were introduced in front of all the audience but when i stood up they laughed which i assume is because they knew how well i suited the kilt. This mass was roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes. After the mass we went on a 1 hour minivan ride on the bumpiest; rockiest; most unstable road I have ever been driven through which had mine and Aidans head hitting the roof every 3 minutes, but it’s probably fine and won’t have any noticeable side effects later in life. This road led to a lake which had many animal inhabitants such as monkeys, hippos and gazelle. I found the monkeys to be the best to see as they were the most active and were in larger numbers in comparison to the other animals. On the ride back, like I have been for most of this trip, I talked about a movie which involved love, singing and reuniting with a long lost family whilst also involving villains causing destruction, I am of course referring to the children’s animated movie Rio 2. Sadly, Aidan has become sick of me talking about this movie but it’s not my fault as many songs during mass remind me of the songs from the movie. Throughout the whole day I was aware that it was I who would be typing this today and since the beginning I’ve always had intentions of talking about Rio 2. After we returned we had an hour free which i did nothing during this time but when this hour was up we went to the church for a prayer ceremony lasting around 30 minutes. Stepping outside the church it was pitch black, but looking up where we’re able to see the beautiful starry night sky which we aren’t used to back in Scotland which I find to be a highlight of my day. Something many don’t know is that I have been making little videos, sometimes more than twice a day, talking about the malawian trip and I finished video 8.5 during the drive with occasional appearances from Aidan who mostly just stares into the camera menacingly. During many videos involving Aidan he is listening to his music as he downloaded many songs, however i didn’t do that and then that meant only song i could listen to was snap out of it by the arctic monkeys as with no internet it just loops the same song, however i accidentally swiped of spotify this morning so i have also lost that song and now just sit in silence or talk to anyone about Rio 2 or i think about we are going to do the next day with the boys at St Patrick’s.

6 thoughts on “Sunday 23rd June by Aaron Rai”

  1. That sounds like an interesting day, enjoyed reading about your day and looking forward to what tomorrow nights blog brings

  2. We are so proud of you Aaron, I hope you were a true Scotsman under your lilt, lots of love mum and dad.🙏👍🤪

  3. Brilliant post Aaron. I too find it unnerving when Aidan stares at me menacingly 😂. Tell him to share a headphone/music with you or he’s grounded when he comes home. Glad you’re managing to fit in so much to a day. Can’t wait for the next update.
    Sending love to everyone.
    Claire McGowan

  4. Living for the daily blog…another great read. Sundays don’t get much better than that – kilts, monkeys and singing at mass. I’ll need to check out Rio 2! Night night everyone 🩷

  5. What an absolutely superb blog, and talk about a tense cliffhanger, which is still to be answered by the way ……. How did the mosquito net become opened at 2am!?!? As for Rio 2 I agree that there are some good tunes entangled into an engaging multi-tiered film script, but sadly nowhere near as good as Top Gun or TG Maverick! 🤘
    All the blogs are brilliant here and it’s clear to see you’re making memories that will last a life time. Keep them coming!
    At least you’ll never complain about a Scottish pothole again!!

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