Thursday 27th June by Trinity McGee

Last night we had just rushed home to get early to sleep as we had been getting up at 5 for nearly a week and thursday was supposed to be the busiest day when me and three of us other gals walked into jemma’s room when we looked to the wall beside her bed and suddenly everyone screamed and ran out of the room. Jemma stood on a chair in a comletely different room. It was a massive, humungous, obese tarantula with 1000 aura that looked like it ate goats for dinner-like the gruffalo. Thankfully Grace was our mesiah and valiently gassed it alive before respectfully crushing it to death. After that i wasnt entirely sure i wouldnt be eaten by a desert invertebrae.

We started the next day with a goodbye graduation for the boys which made me sad since i knew i would miss them and realistically never see them again but then we showed them how to do the gay gordons and we all had a fun time. After this we visited the nuns hospital at the school campus to give them gifts for the hospital but i couldnt help but feel like there was so much more we could’ve done since they lacked so many things considered basic in our home country. The sisters gave us each beautiful handmade rosary beads most were magenta but a few were pink. Me and jemma didnt think they would fit over our heads but two sisters came over and forced them on insisting they would and im glad they did.

We didnt get much free time before the sun went down and we were plunged into freezing darkness filled with bugs and tarantulas so we made the risky decision to wander down to the river to show Keira the locally constructed stick bridge that stretched over which made us about five mins late for the next activity. Aidan, Aaron and jemma kept insisting i went the wrong way and doubting me but as usual i was right and we got there perfectly although Keira was slowed down by her skirt constricting her ankles. When we got there Ava sat on the seat that was built on it while me jemma and keira took pictures and looked at the river that appeared like something in a jungle movie with exposed roots, over hanging branches and massive rocks. We walked past a baobab tree on our way there and i really wanted to try the fruits since i was about 10 and watched the lion guard but they were too far away *hint hint*. We passed a turkey on our way there and a chicken flew towards me and i thought it was going to attack me but we didnt see them on the way back.

We made our way over to the primary next to play sports with them, they were all so happy and greeted us all with hugs, fistbumps and handshakes before we started our games with them. They were all so eager to play that i didnt know how to give out the rackets because they were all pushing each other out the way to grab them. Eventually they were all playing among themselves and the younger ones were holding my hands but i couldnt see keira or jemma anywhere after all the children had constantly surrounded them and apparently this was because someone threw a frisbee at keiras face but i think shes fine at least for now…

Our second last scheduled trip was to Magdelenas primary school for a party where they had made us all cake, sweet bread and many drinks. I had the grape soda which tasted exactly like a brainlicker in my professional opinion. After we ate we handed out the football strips and toys to the kids and they seemed to enjoy the whistles most.

Finally we had our last activity of the day which was a trip to the village but before this me and jemma were approached by the original rabies who let us pet him. I think this might have been the first time anyone ever had but he looked so happy and aidan came over to pet him too and we had been waiting the whole week for him to let us close enough to him. The whole week we had all wanted to ride in the back of a pick up and today we got a short journey in the back of one over to the nearby villlage. All of the people at the village were exuding hapiness although the majority of them didnt have matresses or tables to eat meals with their families and had no windows or lights in their homes. After our visit we tried to hand out sweets to the children but we didnt have enough for everyone and all 7 of us felt horrible especially when the villagers who had practically nothing handed us three large bags of nuts and fresh fruit and eggs.

During our stay there had been a few powercuts and at one point we thought we were going to be eating in the dark. Father Michael cooked us dinner tonight and we had bruschetta and pasta which was absolutely delectable, not for jemma though she couldnt eat the pasta because she said it was too spicy and after dinner we just sat at our table and had bananas and cake.


8 thoughts on “Thursday 27th June by Trinity McGee”

  1. That was a great update Trinity on what sounds like a very busy and emotional day – it must be hard saying your goodbyes. Love all the details in the blogs and appreciate the time it must take to keep us all updated! Truly is the highlight of the day. Hopefully no spider drama tonight and sleep tight everyone 🩷

    1. Ooh Trinity what a laugh, regarding the spider, brilliant. Glad you all got time to take pictures of the scenery.
      Enjoy what’s left. Make more memories…

  2. Hi everyone, thanks for sharing your very interesting and informative day with us today, can’t believe you’re trip is coming to an end soon look after yourselves and keep making the most of it and keep making these kids smile.👍

  3. Thanks for the update Trinity, sounds like another eventful day, must be hard saying goodbye but think of all the lovely memories you’ve made for you and those children, hopefully no more spider dramas

  4. What a fantastic update. I am still giggling. I know you will all be sad saying goodbye but think of the memories you have created for all the children. I hope you have a quiet night on the spider front.

  5. Wow sounds like a fun evening. That was lovely hearing all about your day and how much you are all experiencing. The bugs alone are such an experience. Trinity you are indeed a master navigator as you know your way around. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures and seeing some of the photographs that I know you will be taking. We await tonight’s blog and more adventures. Enjoy the experience everyone.
    Tracie mcgee

  6. Thank you Trinity for such an interesting read. I felt I was there with you. It was so descriptive and full of humour. You gave us a real insight into what it’s like to be the Saint Benedict’s Seven in Malawi ! enjoy every minute you have left of your trip and please God come back safe to us with your wonderful memories. Thanks for taking the time to share these memories with us. God bless you all

  7. Just catching up today Saturday 29 June with all your logs it sounds as if you are all having a wonderful time always in our prayers 🙏

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