Leona MacDonald UWS ITE ePDP

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Sustainable development- Disasters

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Theme: Disasters



Key Learning:


Types of natural disasters. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Monsoons and Fire.


Where these disasters are more likely to occur. Various parts of the world are more prone to certain types of natural disasters because of reasons such as the climate or in cases such as earthquakes where the earths plates meet.


The implications of these disasters. Loss of life, loss of homes, loss of food and therefore famine, spread of disease due to destroyed water resources, financial costs to individuals, the government and other countries who provide aid.


How to possibly carry out these topics in a classroom setting. By ensuring the topic and content is age and stage appropriate. Allowing children, where possible, to carry out experiments. Encourage children to relate this to real life and understand that this really does happen in the world to people and even children their age.













Impact on my views/lifestyle/practice:


It was interesting to be able to see the links between disaster, climate change, the environment and interdepence.


I enjoyed getting to try out some experiments that I would be able to conduct in a class of children.


It was also interesting to see the difference in preparation and response that govts across the world have when dealing with disasters. Seeing just how corrupt govts can be and what a difference this can make to the lives of the people in those countries.


It was an enjoyable experience working in collaboration with my peers to bring together a presentation on natural fire.













Areas of interest to explore further/develop:


I wouldn’t say that this area is of particular interest to myself personally although if I were to cover it in a class I would ensure I did thorough research first.













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