Classroom Organisation and Management

Classroom Organisation and Management

I would have group tables of 4 to 6 children of mixed abilities and skills, so the pupils have a chance to work together with each other and they can help each other. I would ensure that the children I sat together got along but would regularly mix up the seating plan to let children interact with other children in the class, and if it becomes to chatty I would alter my seating arrangements so that the children are focussed and can help and support each other.
I would also have one or two single tables around my room, in case a child or a pair want to work independently without distraction or require some quiet time to concentrate on their work.
Room Organisation
I would have a whiteboard exclusively for writing up the daily plan so that I and all the children can see it clearly in the classroom, so that every child knows what we are doing each day. I will discuss the daily plan with the children at registration and update the children of any alterations or changes to the daily plan. This should create a sense of security and routines for the children.
I will also display the Learning Intention and Success Criteria on whiteboards/ the interactive whiteboard and ensure it is in a good position, so the children can refer back to it when working. I will additionally write up any key instructions after I explain the task that I want the children to do, so they can refer back to my expectations when self and peer assessing their work.
I will place resources such as paper, pencils, rubbers, scissors etc in an accessible place for the children, so they can access it easily and when they need it. Having these resources accessible and in easy reach will mean the children won’t have to constantly ask the teacher for resources as they can help themselves.
Jotters and finished work will be kept in the same place to avoid confusion over where things are kept and any child in the class will be able to hand out/collect in work.
Allocating Roles in the Class
By giving pupils allocated roles in the classroom, not only will this take the strain off the teacher, but this will enforce a sense of responsibility and importance to the children as they will have to carry out their allocated role to work as part of a team and represent themselves. I will reshuffle the roles each week so that every child has a chance to take on the responsibility of each classroom job.
Class Rules
At the start of the year, I will have a discussion with the children to establish a set of class rules and expectations, so that everyone in the class has the responsibility of setting and keeping to the rules, which is more likely that they will follow them as they would have felt part of the process by including them. I will tell the children what I expect of them as the teacher, but also ask the children what they expect of me as their teacher, which I feel is very important. I will also discuss and negotiate with the children what they feel would be acceptable sanctions for unacceptable behaviour and what they feel would be a worth reward for good behaviour, so that the children feel they have some say in what goes on in their classroom.
I will display the class rules and the school’s behaviour management policy around the classroom so that everyone in the class can see them at all times.
Pupils will be expected to walk around the classroom and school in a sensible manner and with respect for everyone in the school.

Again, at the start of the year, I will enforce routines for my classroom which will give the children positive structure and sense of security. Pupils will know what the acceptable way is to enter and leave the classroom, how the classroom should be left in the same state as it was when the children entered the classroom, and the routine for tidying up.
There will be the routine of asking before they leave the classroom so that the teacher knows where everyone is at all times and no time wasting is going on.
I will create a routine for grabbing their attention, such as developing sayings such as ‘1, 2, 3….eyes on me’ where everyone in the class will know to stop and listen. I will ensure the children know what noise level I expect when starting the lesson/task and ensure that they know that everyone has to listen when someone is talking and respect what they are saying.
By having these routines, this will give children consistency in their lives and make my classroom run a lot smoother.

Classroom Displays
I will effectively use the wall space around my classroom to display topics and artwork. I will display topics that that my class are currently doing or just recently finished, so that they can display all the knowledge they have gained and so that they can reflect back. It is also nice for parents/guardians to come in to school and see what their child has been learning.
I will also dedicate a wall to celebrate and display the children’s achievements, outside and inside of school. This would mean that children can feel a sense of achievement and recognition and promote a good classroom ethos.

Classroom organisation and management is crucial for day to day classroom use and overall ethos of the classroom and school. By making effective and efficient use of classroom routines, rules and resources, this means that the teacher will have a lot less stress and the classroom will have a good foundation of structure, which is very important to ensure that children feel safe and secure coming to school.

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