Just a reminder if your child is going to be absent from the centre for any reason, can we kindly ask that you contact the centre on that day as early as you can. The campus telephone number is 01475 687 687. The centre is currently option 4. If any child is absent and the centre has not been informed the keyworker will contact you at
some point throughout the day.
If your child is suffering from sickness & diarrhoea please ensure that your child is kept from the centre until they have had a clear 48 hours. This prevents other children in the centre becoming infected or unwell. See NHS guidance: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/ .
If your Child becomes ill while at the Centre
If your child becomes ill while at the centre staff may feel it is more appropriate for your child to be at home. The parent/carer will be contacted in the first instance, but then an emergency contact will be notified if the parent is not available.
There are regulations governing the administration of medicines to children in Early Years Centre. It is best if you give any medicines personally outside the centre’s hours. Where it is imperative that a child receives medication in the centre time please inform centre staff who will put the necessary procedures into operation. On no account should a child be allowed to carry medicines in the centre or have them in their bag.