Early Learning and Childcare Enrolment is now open!
If you have a three or four year old or eligible two year old due to start nursery then you will have to register online for a place. For more information go to: https://www.north-ayrshire.gov.uk/education-and-learning/admissions-and-enrolment
Shannon, Julie & Caitlin recently attended training provided by Child Bereavement UK. In response to the training,we felt that a memory tree may be a lovely way to remember loved ones who are no longer with usor family who we may not be able to see at Christmas e.g. service men and women or families who live afar.
We were kindly gifted a Christmas tree from Haylie Stores in Largs. For the month of December we have had this set up in the corridor as our own LEYC Memory Tree.
Julie’s mum and Jane very kindly knitted some white and red hearts which had a blank tag attached. Families were welcome to choose a heart and write a memory of a loved one that is no longer with us or for family members who may live far away orwant to write a special christmas message for them. The last week before Christmas families could collect their memory heart to take home.
We will be planting the tree so it can continue to be nurtured.
A series of events are taking place across North Ayrshire to explain the early learning and childcare enrolment process. The registration process is open from 6 January to 31 January and funded early learning and childcare (ELC) is available to all three and four year olds and eligible two year olds. Entitlement is up to 1140 hours per year. One of the misconceptions is that there are ‘catchment’ areas for early years provision. There are no catchment areas for early years provisions and whilst we make every effort to accommodate parental preferences is not always possible to place children in the early years establishment of their choice. The events will give people a chance to ask any questions they may have and provide reassurances ahead of the registration process opening. The events take place at the following times and locations: Irvine, Rivergate Centre – Monday 2 December (1pm to 3pm) Kilwinning, Ayrshire College – Tuesday 3 December (11am to 1pm) Garnock Valley, St Bridget’s Primary – Wednesday 4 December (1pm to 3pm) Three Towns, Saltcoats Town Hall – Thursday 5 December (10 to 12pm) Largs, Largs Campus – Friday 6 December (10 to 12pm) More information can also be found at: https://tinyurl.com/y7cw77c8
Thanks to Gemma for organising a book swap in celebration of ‘Book Week Scotland 2024’. Elaine also kindly donated some books for our parents/carers to take home 🙂
As part of our UNCRC yearly program we have been focusing on the following articles for October 2024 with a focus on celebrating Black History Month.
Article 2 – No discrimination
Article 30 – Minority culture, language and religion
Black History Month takes place in October every year which honours the history, traditions, arts and culture of Black people both in the UK and across the globe and celebrates key figures and events in Black history, with an emphasis on celebrating the history and contributions to society of people with an African or Caribbean heritage. We have provided the children with a range of experiences including African foods and music, learning about African tapestry and jewellery.
Staff will be reflecting on and considering what we do/can do to challenge negative stereotypes and discrimination.
This focus links to the SHANNARI indicators Respected and Included. We have used our characters ‘Respected Rhiya’ and ‘Included Isabella’ to promote these rights.