What is Digital Literacy?
Digital Literacy is the ability and skill to find, evaluate, utilise, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet.
Here are some examples of how we develop Digital Play in the centre:
- Playing with Walkie Talkies (Working with a friend to take turns to say the number before or after to support numeracy development. Further develop role-play communication)
- YouTube (We will often use ‘Sticky Kids’ & ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ to support children to move their body in different ways and follow along to instructions. We use different resources to provide these experiences such as using a speaker, promethean board, laptop or iPad).
- Setting up obstacle courses for remote control vehicles, Earl the Robot, Codeapillar etc.
- Using ‘Microsoft Teams’ within our communication group to support direct communication.
- In response to a child’s interest, events and topics we display images and videos on devices to extend learning, for example in response to children’s interest in superheroes we displayed images of superhero buildings in our construction area to build on creativity.
- Using iPad cameras to take photos for e.g. taking pictures of numbers they could see on a walk around the campus to support numeracy target.
- Interact with voice assistants such as Siri to find answers to their questions.
- Using real telephones and mobile phones that don’t work any longer to support role play experiences.
- Baking & making experiences allow children to use measuring equipment and how to work an oven with adult supervision.
- iPads (It can be used as camera, piano, video/voice recorder, an art set, magnifying glass etc.
- Posting their own learning and artwork to Seesaw journals.
Video Player