Hours of Opening – 8 am. – 6 pm
8:00am – 12:45pm: Morning Session (For 2 year old & 3-5 place)
1:15pm – 6:00pm: Afternoon Session (For 2 year old & 3-5 place)
8:00am – 5:30pm: Full Day Session (For 3-5 place only)
The centre is open throughout the year and will offer full year patterns only from August 2024.
The children will be welcomed into the Centre through the main door which can be accessed via Reception between the times of: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. & 1:15 – 1:30 p.m. The doors will also be opened for collection from 12:20 pm – 12:45pm & 5:00-5:55pm. At all other collection times the buzzer at the main entrance should be used.
Arrival and Collection of Children
It is expected that a responsible adult will bring your child to and from the centre. (This is someone over the age of 16 years of age). Please bring any new person or family member to the centre to introduce them to staff if they are going to collect your child.
In the interests of your child’s safety you should make a point of telling the key-worker if your child is to be collected by someone not known by the Head of the establishment or staff members. This avoids difficult situations when a child cannot be allowed to leave with an adult who is a stranger to the staff.
In the event that no one arrives to collect your child at the time expected, and no-one has called to explain why, the Centre will try to get in touch with you and then your emergency contacts. If no-one can be contacted and your child is still here when the Centre is due to close then we will have to inform Social Services in order that your child can continue to be cared for until you are located.
All children who attend the centre will be provided with a hot meal, this will come down from the kitchen in the campus. Children who attend in the morning will have a 2 course lunch, and children in the afternoon will have a 2 course lunch served when they arrive at the centre. Dietary requirements can be accommodated following the completion of a dietary request form.
See more here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/largsearlyyears/our-nursery/general-information/lunch-and-tea-menu/