Category Archives: Curriculum resources

Animoto- the fab online resource

Animoto is an online site that allows its user to generate videos made up of images, a piece of music, and some text. This simple method of teaching when used effectively can be a huge asset to a lesson.

Simply using three component features of image text and sound a hard hitting impact can be made provided they are relevant and effective.

In a workshop looking at different effective means of using online resources to deliver lessons and information to a class it was one of the stand out methods along with: Fakebook- a Facebook parody account that allowed its user to create an online profile that could be used as a teaching tool, and Prezi- a site that travels across an image exploring all of its different parts.

For the TDT I chose to create and Animoto on internet safety as it was easy, simple, and produced a solid final product that could be presented to group of children to warn them on the dangers of pop ups or spam emails on the computer.

SPLASH- The Animation

In an input explaining the vast variety of ways to create and produce animation in a class we were challenged to work creatively.

We started from 2 simple images on one sheet of paper, to several in a book, onto pivot the computer programme, and finally onto filming with plasticine models. The input not only taught the MA1 class to carry out these fab ideas but how to use them in a classroom and engage learners into working with them.

This method of education can cover extensive topic areas in an interactive way that is fun and has an end product that could last a lifetime.

Inserted in this entry is a copy of a short animation we tried in the workshop called “SPLASH”!