Reddit describes itself as the front page of the internet. This is not far from the truth- clicking a link in Reddit will send you to the deepest depths the online world has to offer. Gifs, images, videos, links, posts, questions, streams, polls, surveys, news… all of these can be found in Reddit as well as so much more.
As teachers and students we can use this online tool to: revolutionise the way we gain information, have our questions answered and share our findings to the world. If you have an unanswerable question Reddit is the place for you- with thousands of questions being answered and debated every day.
Comments and posts are upvoted or downvoted leaving them with a score that can push them up and down a feed, or determine their category: Gilded, Upvoted, Downvoted, and Contraversial to name a few.
Explaining Reddit in a few lines is very challenging as it holds such a vast amount of information in so many ways- the only way you can really understand is if you have a look for yourself…