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End of Module Reflection

Throughout this 1st semester, I have enjoyed the HWB module. It has been good to develop my knowledge & understanding in each of the different areas within HWB and also with some aspects relating to my ongoing thesis, it has enabled me to make connections and hopefully deepen my discussions later.challenge-yourself-try-something-new_nov11_2012

The module as a whole has enabled me to look further into specific areas which are of interest to me & those I did not have high confidence in delivering within the classroom. Working with others during the inputs has enabled me to further develop my communication skills as well as skills such as listening and empathy. Furthermore, working with others on some of the tasks has made the experience more enjoyable. The motivation & encouragement we provided to each other was invaluable. I feel I have learnt a lot from them as professionals, sharing ideas and thoughts about many different issues – seeing different perspectives and encouraging me to develop my own thinking.

I decided to do the tasks within this blog/portfolio for a variety of reasons. Firstly, we had 3 compulsory ones which had to be completed and thereafter the rest were up to us to make our own choices about which ones we were going to complete. I chose to do the vast majority of the tasks based on what I felt I had an interest in but also, I chose some which I thought would challenge me. For example, the tasks within the areas of Relationships, Sexual Health & Parenthood and Mental Health & Wellbeing. I believe I felt these would challenge me due to not having much experience in the areas, therefore aiding my professional development.

For the most part, these tasks have been enjoyable to complete. It was a continuous process throughout the module with the majority of tasks being completed before the end of October. I feel that by doing them throughout the module it has taken some stress away from the completion of the assignment as a whole. I chose to do this portfolio as a blog on Glow due to feeling like I wanted to make it a bit more interactive rather than just word documents on a USB. In addition, I wanted to again challenge myself but also make a start on building a resource bank/reflection for my future career & professional development. Having this online and on Glow means I will always have access to the information as this is a system teachers continue to utilise in practice. Furthermore, Thorburn (2014:207) also states, that

“teachers are urged to share examples of their practice across the Glow intranet network; an online resource platform designed to help create communities of practice and to offer practitioners new opportunities to share and collaborate”.

Having the opportunity to experience the Glow system before going out into practice, I feel more confident in using it and recognise the advantages of such a tool.

Although it has been good to experience this tool, it has been very time consuming & at times stressful. After completing each individual task and then having to place it on here & edit it to make the blog posts more engaging took a lot longer than I had first anticipated. I hope that the time & effort can be seen throughout.

I remember getting asked whether doing this module has influenced my own health & wellbeing. On reflection of the module, I would say it has – some positive, some negative. The vast amount of information, knowledge and resources which I have gathered has been great in giving me the confidence to go out and teach all aspects of HWB. It has also encouraged me to think about areas, issues & topics I have never really considered due to a lack of opportunities to experience them in university and whilst out on practice. In addition, I feel that it has made me want to continue making positive changes (ie. exercise more, eat better etc.) in my own life. However, uni life does make this slightly difficult at times!!

Unfortunately, it has been a very demanding module at a time when thesis is also very demanding which has been slightly difficult to balance. HWB is such a huge curricular area and there is SO much to learn and take in that it is impossible to know everything. But like any module/assignment, it has been a stressful process to ensure quality & quantity.

I have to admit that completing this portfolio has been quite a challenge and I have taken a lot of time & effort to (hopefully) make it the best it could be! I do feel a sense of pride & achievement after completing this module & portfolio as I believe I have taken myself out of my comfort zone many a times to complete tasks in lectures and also in this portfolio, for example making videos. This is something I still don’t feel completely comfortable with but you’ve got to give something a go at least once! The digital skills that have been developed, from creating the blog to editing videos & uploading files are also going to assist me in my future career & professional development.

The TDT Task Sheet & Assessment Criteria states that a minimum of 30hrs is to be completed out with class. I feel I have far exceeded the 30hrs due to:

  • completion of set tasks (compulsory/non-compulsory)
  • extra activities which I believe have been of benefit to me professionally
  • time taken to create and utilise the blog to make it more engaging to include short reflections, pictures, videos, websites & documents.e709bd1f03ce9ce1c1608caf71721163

Overall, I have enjoyed the module. I just wish there had been more opportunities throughout university to build such a bank of resources as we have only covered small amounts. With HWB
being a responsibility of all, alongside Literacy & Numeracy, I don’t feel that there is such an emphasis on it in university. This is something which I feel should be incorporated more due to many practitioners leaving with very little knowledge/awareness as they may have not chosen it for either their 3rd/4th year elective. I am glad that I made this decision as I now feel more confident in delivering lessons in specific areas which I previously was slightly daunted by.

I hope that you enjoy reading the posts and that my commitment, time and efforts have been portrayed!


PS. if the videos don’t play first time, refreshing the page should make them work!


Thorburn, M. (2014) ‘Educating for Well-being in Scotland: Policy and Philosophy, Pitfalls and Possibilities’, Oxford Review of Education, 40(2), pp. 206-222.


Within the TDT Task booklet there was an activity on Mindfulness. I decided not to complete this task as others were of more interest and I had already completed a number of tasks to make headspup the 30hrs. However, throughout the module I have been interested in what mindfulness is and thought I would give it a go. I had already downloaded an app ‘Headspace’ ages ago but never actually used so this is the app I decided to try out.

After signing up and creating an account, I began the free trial activities available. It is a set of 10 which you’re encouraged to do on a daily basis. This however proved to be quite challenging to actually do. I felt that when I did it in the morning, it made me more tired and wanting to have a nap so I decided to use it at night, as a wind down from the day. I found this actually helped me drop off to sleep a bit easier, especially as some days were quite busy and stressful & it can take a wee while to switch off!MBSR

This is however something I would like to give another go and try to do it everyday as sometimes I would forget. I would also like to read up about it and if possible see/implement it in practice as I have heard a lot of positive things about doing Mindfulness within the classroom and the benefits it has on children and young people.


HWB Presentation

Develop a Presentation about HWB research; carry out a self-assessment of your work (3 hrs).

Working with a critical friend (peer), each person present five slides (must be pictures) that can be used to summarise a piece of research or a policy focus in the wider area of HWB.  The pair should decide and identify the assessment criteria that have to be used.  This should be displayed in your e-portfolio.  Write up a self-assessment of your presentation before you present it to your critical friend.  Present your presentation to your critical friend and collect detailed feedback from your peer.

Think about – are you meeting the agreed assessment criteria, have you practised your presentation, does it have impact, are you getting across the key points.

Evidence: A copy of your PowerPoint presentation.  In addition, you should add your self-assessment feedback based on the assessment criteria.  A copy of assessment criteria should be added.

Personal Thoughts:

This activity was quite time consuming to do. Thinking of the wider aspect of HWB, I wanted to focus on a policy/research document which hadn’t been considered in class. This led to the presentation focusing on the policy document ‘Achieving Our Potential’ which aims to tackle poverty and income inequality. The issue of poverty is something which we did look at in class however this was more based around the context of the attainment gap. Throughout the presentation, my aim was to:

  • discuss what poverty is, the causes, how it’s measured whilst giving statistics in relation to Scotland and also consider child poverty
  • discuss income inequality and its effects, also the notion of ‘working poverty’
  • discuss the government policy and it’s aims
  • consider the policy in relation to others, eg. Early Years Framework; early intervention etc.
  • emphasise there are many strategies/initiatives being implemented to tackle these issues in order for Scotland to become a fairer, healthier, more prosperous place to live – increasing the overall wellbeing of all those living in the nation; one alone will not achieve anything

Before carrying out the presentation, we decided on a criteria which we would self/peer assess against. Looking back, I believe we could have made this more specific however at the time of creating it we were unsure of what we should have. This may have helped develop the presentation further. In terms of practising the presentation, I feel this was something we lacked. Although we felt we knew our topics quite well and given the environment which it was presented (library) in, less reliance on notes may have improved the overall quality. I feel the chosen images, on each slide, were relevant to the current area being discussed – the audience recognised how they related to the topic.

By the end of the presentation, it was made clear that I had given clear and relevant information – focusing on key points – which is what I hoped I would do, enabling the audience to (potentially) learn something new, as I did with theirs. I found it challenging to be critical in my feedback however do feel I gave some constructive criticism to my peer.

The presentation can be viewed as a PowerPoint document –

HWB presentation

A copy of the self/peer assessment feedback sheet has been included –


Learning Goals

Identify 3 learning goals at the start of the module and write reflections at three identified points during the module to indicate your progress in learning related to your stated goals.

Evidence:  Learning goals identified and three short reflections will be written about your chosen learning goals and reflect about your progress in development of your ideas, knowledge and critical thinking during week 1, 6 and 10. 


Personal Thoughts:

These goals were set after the first input of the module. I cannot be sure that the reflections were done on the weeks stated, more so following any input I felt related to a goal. This task was stated to only take an hour however I feel that due to the length of the reflections, this took me longer.

The task can be viewed as a word document –

Learning Goals

Beginner’s Luck!


Hello fellow bloggers!

I’m not really a newbie to blogging but this type of blogging is new to me.

I have previously written a personal blog to document my adventures in Sri Lanka working with children and adults with Additional Support Needs. I therefore thought starting this blog would help assist my Professional Development in my final year of university and into my chosen career.

I am currently a 4th year MA(Hons) Education student looking to graduate and enter my probationary year of primary teaching in June. The main reason for starting this blog was due to an upcoming assignment for my Health & Wellbeing (HWB) elective which requires an online portfolio alongside an assignment. I thought this would be a good way to present the completed tasks and activities which were set and I feel this will also enable me to build a bank of resources which I can refer back to whilst on placement or in future employment.

I am hoping that with this blog I am able to reflect upon anything I have done or felt was of use to my learning which will in turn help with my assignment as well as my professional development.

So a little bit of beginner’s luck is what I’m hoping for!
