Tag Archives: music

Music & HWB 2

Choose a piece of music and consider how you could use this in a HWB lesson about mental health.

Evidence: Write up a lesson outline plan (with learning intentions, success criteria, assessment and activities), include the music used.  (1 hour)

In addition to the previous music task we completed, we felt that as a nice activity which could be done with a class of any stage to increase positive mental wellbeing amongst children and young people would involve them reflecting weekly on positive things in their life or something which has made them feel good during that week. I believe an activity like this would be beneficial as the children can look back on it whenever they feel unhappy or sad at any point.

This can be viewed as a word document:

Music Lesson Idea

Piece of Music –

I recently saw this picture of a worksheet being shared on a social media site. I thought I would add it in to show that something similar could be used if done with a class of your own –


Music & HWB

Choose a piece of music and consider how you could use this in a HWB lesson about mental health.

Evidence: Write up a lesson outline plan (with learning intentions, success criteria, assessment and activities), include the music used.  (1 hour)

Personal Thoughts:

This task was quite challenging to try and think of a piece of music which which could be developed into a lesson however after going along to a workshop about Happiness & Wellbeing we thought that looking at calmness would be appropriate. Thinking about some of the behaviour management strategies being implemented in schools this lesson we believe could also work as a strategy.

From personal experience, putting a piece of calm, soothing music on after break/lunch or at times where the children are unsettled or a bit too excited/worked up was successful. The music helped bring them back to a state of mind where learning was able to take place. It was also good for me as a teacher to ensure lessons were able to be delivered.

The task can be viewed as a word document –

Music Lesson Plan

Piece of Music – only play for length of time required