Using a book to teach HWB

Choose a book and plan a lesson around it (2 hrs)

Choose a story book and build up a lesson around any of the curricular areas of HWB.  Make up a practical activity the children could do in class related to the book.  Write up the lesson plan – writing out E andO, Learning Intention, Success criteria, assessment and activities.

Evidence: A copy of the completed lesson outline.

Personal Thoughts:

We decided to focus on physical changes in the body due to our inexperience of observing such a lesson and having a feeling of uncertainty and slight anxiety about teaching puberty with the children we may be working with. This therefore was a good reason we felt for doing the task this way to aid our professional development. We found it a little difficult to find a story book however kept coming across the books mentioned in the document. Due to focusing on puberty and changes in the body for the children working on second level we felt this type of book would be more appropriate which may enable the children to read independently; gaining information and answers to questions they may have.

The task can be viewed as a word document –

Changes in My Body Activity

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