During my placement, I came to realise that I am very good at positioning myself so that everyone in the group can clearly hear me and can see me most of the time. As well as this, I ensure that when I am talking to the group, I talk loud enough and clear enough for everyone to hear me and understand me.
When working with a small group of children, my body language was very positive and I stood with an open posture at all times to ensure that the children knew that they could talk to me if they had any problems or if they needed help with their work. When helping the children work out an answer during a maths lesson, I used hand gestures to represent the numbers on a number line moving from one number to another. This helped the children to further understand what I was talking about and picture the number line in their heads.
Area of Most Progress
At the start of my placement, I used the words “like” and “ah” very often however by the end I had managed to completely avoid using it when talking to the children. I feel that this was my area of most progress as I use the word “like” all the time so being able to avoid using it made me feel as though I was making some progress towards being a proper primary teacher.
Area Requiring Progress
When taking a small group of children, I need to encourage everyone to take part and not allow certain individuals in the group to dominate the discussion. I must ensure that every child has a chance to speak and that when the children do give me responses, I encourage them to extend them.
I must also build the confidence to give children into trouble when they are misbehaving and not paying attention to the class teacher. When I was on placement, I felt as though I could not do this as I felt that it was not my place. Even though I was a student teacher, I felt that it was the actual class teacher to give the children into trouble for disrupting them. However, this is not the case and when I am in a classroom it is just as much my responsibility as the class teacher’s.
Action Plan
I must start to think positively about my experience on placement and learn from the criticisms that I picked up both from my self evaluations and from my peer observation feedback. By doing so, I will begin to build confidence in myself both as a teacher and as a student. This will help for the next time I go on placement and I will know what to do differently this time.
As well as this, I plan to do research on way that I can build my confidence and put these into action. Through this, I hope to become more confident in front of small or large groups of adults or children.