LEAP Sports Placement 30.1.20

Thursday 30th January 2020, 0900-1500

Today I continued to work on the report of LGBTIQ+ Young People’s Experiences in PE, putting it into more of a formal report format. I still have further research to carry out in certain areas, particularly around experiences of homophobia in PE and sport in general, as well as trans* young people’s experiences of PE.

LGBTIQ+ young people in Scotland’s experiences of PE REPORT

I have also been asked to collate a list of academic articles which provide information around LGB women’s experiences of sport in Europe. These will be used as part of a literature review to identify if and where there is a need for further study or research, which may then lead to a new project for LEAP Sports. Again, I have more sources to read through, I have attached my notes from the first research.

Experiences in Sport for LGB Women Across Europe

I have found taking part in this research has really widened my knowledge and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly within the context of sport. However, I have also found parts of the research upsetting as homophobia and transphobia are still very much prominent in our society and in our schools, and it will be interesting to see this change in the coming years, particularly with mandatory LGBTQ+ education coming into schools by 2021 in Scotland.

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