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Den building task reflection

Group and leadership

  • We didn’t have a particular group leader although there were a couple of individuals who took control of particular activities or initiated next steps in an informal way.
  • We all knew it was an informal leadership as there was no debate amongst us as to who should be leader.
  • It wasn’t voiced that there was any resentment or feeling of exclusion although it may have been wise to have asked if anyone felt uncomfortable. I felt the group worked well this way and very efficiently. We had a good mix of confidence between us as well as an awareness of each of our personality and encouraged one another in our particular strengths.
  • The biggest challenge for me was not portraying a motherly attitude being an older member of the group. I felt we needed to work as equals and direct each other for the benefit of the task in hand. I am happy on reflection I felt I did that quite well.


  • I felt the group explained very well to each other. Ideas were discussed between us and any problems that might occur and how we might solve them.
  • We talked about how we might attach the tarpaulin to provide shelter over the top of our den and members of the group demonstrated what we might do to achieve this.
  • A member of the group demonstrated how to unfold a cardboard box to use as a suitable constructive material also which proved to be a positive motivation for the group and a source of empowerment for the group member.
  • We may have missed out some elaboration in the presentation and didn’t do a post mortem in following the 5 p’s From Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication. 5th Edition. London: Routlege


  • There was a buzz of activity and energy within the group.
  • We had to talk slightly louder than in a classroom area and indicate more clearly who the questions or requests were aimed at using body language and eye contact.
  • It was a little more difficult to get a person’s attention as we worked due to the noise from the other groups and dog walkers etc and we had to raise our voices slightly, to be heard.
  • We used eye contact and body language to attract the listener’s attention rather than shouting at them making it easier to communicate without appearing rude or over bearing.
  • We came closer like a huddle to hear and see better what ideas and information was being communicated.


  • It was difficult to negotiate with the other groups and we were unsuccessful. We had agreed on what we would negotiate with but might have been better to have discussed more how we would have negotiated (what to say, ideas on what the material could be used for) we should also have discussed more who would be the best negotiator (a group member not having a specific task volunteered). In the end we all tried together but think it was too close to the end of the task and most people were completed.
  • It was very challenging being convincing to the other groups while negotiating.