Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




 Self-confidence  x
 Take risks  x
 Organise and plan  x
Manage Time  x
 Make presentations  x
 Act as a leader  x
 Listen to others  x
 Debate formally and informally  x
 Take notes  x

Although it is important to identify where we are now, it is not enough to stop there. We need to reflect upon how we can develop the skills where we are less confident and how we can transfer the skills in which we are confident and competent.

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
  •  To reflect on my own work
  • Understanding knowledge
  • Having discussions
Through different volunteering work I would self- assess to see how I have improved along the way and this improved my self confidence.
 Take risks
  • Thinking of new ideas
  • Planning activities
 I have always been a big risk taker. I am always intrigued in trying something new or giving something a shot as you will not know the results unless you try.
 Organise and plan
  •  Keep up to date with work
  • Prioritising
 Throughout school and college it always been extremely important to me to organise and plan my work. This takes away any stress and keeps me on op of my work so i don’t fall behind.
 Act as a leader
  •  When teaching children
  • Working in groups
When doing my voluntary work I have had to conduct activities with the children which has taught me how to act as a leader.
 Listen to others
  •  To gain a different insight
  • Listening to my peers and the children
  • To understand others
 It is extremely important to listen to theres this being your peers, adults or the children that you work with. This shows a sense of respect and shows people that you are engaged and understanding. Especially when I have worked with children as it makes you more approachable and trusting as they know you will listen to them.
 Manage Time
  •  Preparing for any delays
  • Balancing personal life to work life
  • Being punctual
 Due to commuting from Edinburgh it is extremely important for me to manage my time so that I arrive on time for lectures and make sure I come early enough just in case there are any delays in busses or trains.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

Part B – Activity 1

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
  Make presentations
  • Making sure I fully understand the course content before making a presentation
  • Analysing the best pieces of work to present
 This can be developed when having to do presentations for modules and learning to pick out the most important information and understanding it fully before presenting.
 Debate formally and informally
  •  Being confident in showing my personal view points
 In different modules I will learn to share different view points on content we have learnt with my peers. This can also benefit me as I can understand other peoples viewpoints.
 Take notes
  •  Being able to take efficient notes from lectures
 I will learn to paraphrase knowledge from lectures and go back to power points if not enough notes were taken.