Tabata Challenge

Tabata Challenge

What is a Tabata?

A Tabata is timed fitness challenge.   You perform an exercise then take a short break before repeating again.   You can do this in a repeated pattern of timed exercise and rest intervals.

An example of a 30/20 second Tabata x3

30 seconds exercise. Then 20 second rest. Another 30 second exercise. Then 20 second rest. Then final 30 seconds exercise. That’s three sets. Be ready to go sharp after 20 second rest. We suggest one minute rest before moving onto new exercise.

Moorfoot Tabata Challenge

The Moorfoot Tabata challenge is a program you can do over the next few weeks and record your progress.  Below is a video guide for the exercises and a link for some tracking sheets to give you an idea.  If you dont want to do this there are further resources at the bottom of this page you may enjoy.

Let us know your best scores for each challenge through twitter (@MoorfootPr) using the hashtag #moorfootmovers.


Each exercise is demonstrated in the Tabata video below. Please remember this is a rough guide only. The exercises have been selected to ensure arms, legs and core strength are being tested. Further professional videos of each named exercise can be found online if required.   Make sure you warm up before doing these. Please do not attempt if you are unsure or not confident. Parental supervision advised. Find a clear space. Stay Safe!

Lets track our Progress

We have included a tracking sheet where you can monitor your progress. There is a P1-2, P3-4 and P5-7 chart. Lets see where we are after 14 sessions?   All you need to do is tick or write down your exercise and rest times (sec). We have included a suggested timed exercise/rest schedule but this can be adjusted to suit your level. Exercises do not have to be done daily, as often or as little as you like. It is more important is that you do each exercise properly. Good Luck!


We have included some challenge exercises but only for those who are really keen.   Challenge can also be found in adjusting your exercise and rest times as you progress or the number of repetitions you manage.

Click here to start 


Other resources