Tag Archives: Fibonacci

Fibonacci sequence

 Fibonacci sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144…

The Fibonacci sequence is extraordinarily interesting. It is surprisingly in so many things around us. Like the staggered pattern of certain plants’ leaves to optimise the absorption of sunlight so it hits every leaf. The golden ratio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio) is present in the angles between each leaf so it perfectly separates them to prevent as much overlap as possible.

If you take a look at the nearest plant to you, how many leaves does it have? When you count them in spirals they may begin to reflect the Fibonacci sequence and spiral. This isn’t easy to do on many plants (evident below) and it may not be possible on certain ones. There are always exceptions to the rule. But maybe these aren’t exceptions but instead they have their own rules…

Plant fibonacci spiral

It’s also in many plants and therefore fruit such as pinecones and pineapples. Wait, there’s a common theme there. Pine. Pine comes from the root *peie meaning “to be fat, swell”. Could this relate to the Fibonacci spiral which grows you could even say it somewhat swells.

The pineapple shows the fibonacci sequence as they possess the fibonacci spirals and also have the fibonacci sequence shown in the number of sections there are.

Pineapple showing the Fibonacci spiral

Pineapple showing the Fibonacci sequence

Pineapple showing the Fibonacci sequence

Pineapple showing the Fibonacci sequence

Pineapple showing the Fibonacci sequence

Through this we see that the fibonacci sequence is all around us from sunflowers to the curves of waves, we just need to look for them.