Learning Log/Study Task – Climate Change

Climate change is a issue that more and more people are starting to recognise as real and a current process. There is debate over whether climate change is a natural occurring process of our planet or it is man-made, i.e. because of industrial revolution causing decades of greenhouse gases emissions.

For our study task we were given various readings, quizzes and videos to watch to make us further aware of the global issue of climate change.

It was very interesting for me to watch video “Antartica on Edge”, a documentary of how 55 scientists took part in 22 experiments within the Antartica to understand how the region is changing. I always had heard ‘ice capsules melting” (through the news, facebook, school, etc) was a major critical issue for the world’s wellbeing; but I had never understood why ice melting in one of the remote and desolate locations on Earth would affect the rest of us. This investigation video showed me that warmer currents are now flowing further south towards the ice terrain, causing glacial melt which results in rising sea levels and drastically changing habitats. Many countries such as the republic of the Maldives are vulnerable to high sea-rise levels affecting their safety.

I was given the opportunity to measure my carbon footprint, in which really shocked me. My carbon footprint was around 284%, a dangerously high percentage as it is considered good to be under 100% . I had no idea that simple things such as having meat in all of my meals a day would contribute to my carbon footprint, the livestock industry is responsible for 14.5% of global emissions therefore I have realised it is important for me to reduce my meat consumption. The main cause of my large sized carbon footprint is my car travel. I commute from Gourock to Ayr 3 days a week, which is driving around 90 miles a day. Ways in which I could reduce this is by car sharing at half-way point with other students so instead of 2 or 3 cars causing pollution it will just be one. I could also use the train or bus more often when travelling around my local town.

After reading and familiarising myself with the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, I am more aware of the targets in which Scotland plan to hit in order to help the environment. The act has the idea of 2050 – to reduce Scottish emissions by 80% below the baseline by 2050. Currently, the Scottish government are working on their interim target of 42% emission reduction below the baseline by 2020. This key example of how they are actively trying to reach this goal is they changed the law of carrier bag charges. As a part-time customer team member at the Co-op, I saw first hand the response to this change and the frustrations it caused the public. However after reading I understand this implementation of the bag charges is to try and reduce emissions. It is not just the carrier bag changes that have been implemented, there are many different policies and legislation that the government has put into place that affects parts of our country which we do not see in day to day life.

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