Digital Technologies Week 4 (Coding) 30/1/18

Discussing why coding is an important part of learning in today’s society and creating an interactive story using the coding program ‘Scratch Jr’ were the main focuses of this week’s lesson. I recognise that these skills are beneficial to me as a student teacher since the ability to code computer programs is a significant part of today’s society as some even make the bold statement that coding is the new literacy. Learning to code not only develops that skill alone, it also develops your problem solving, creativity and communication abilities. This was supported when The Lead Project (2014) stated that, “as young people create Scratch projects, they are not just learning how to write computer programs. They are learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively – essential skills for success and happiness in today’s world.”

To enhance our knowledge of coding, we created our own stories using Scratch Jr. This is an introductory programming tool which can enable any school age children to produce a personal interactive story or game. We were first directed to tutorial videos which made understanding the program, and all that is potential while using it, quick and easy. Scratch also has a website that children and teachers can access for instructions and ideas as well as having Scratch Jr Programming Cards which contain instructions allowing you to create your own simple interactive story or game. Scratch was developed to improve creative learning skills such as logical reasoning and collaboration in young people for the 21st century. The Lead Project (2014) informed us that Scratch can be used in schools in a variety of subjects ranging from mathematics and english to music and art.

Coding programs such as Scratch Jr have many benefits such as being helpful for children who potentially struggle with using their imagination to devise a story line consisting of an introduction, middle and conclusion. Scratch Jr, for example, provides backgrounds, props and characters which can stimulate ideas in younger minds. With Scratch, you are also able to alter a character’s colour and size making them unique to fit in with your story. Creating a story using animation also means what is happening can be shown without the writer using words at all times. This is beneficial for children who have plenty ideas however have difficulty putting these ideas on paper in words. Scratch Jr allows you to make characters move, dance and talk using a variety of codes.

My story consisted of two characters, two varied backgrounds and a variety of props. I was able to make my characters move simultaneously and interact by letting one character speak at a time then letting the other respond when suitable. I made my props move and even fly to bring the story to life. My story was based on the First and Second level Curriculum for Excellence outcome:

I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts TCH 1-04a / TCH 2-04a.

(Scottish Government, 2008)

This session helped me understand the importance and benefits of knowing how to code and of teaching children how to do so also. Coding comes with many teaching opportunities such as beginning a story then allowing your pupils to finish it and come up with their own conclusion for those who struggle with introductions when working individually. Coding programs also allow you to create fun and engaging games for the classroom. Coding develops many learning skills across a variety of subjects offering a new, enjoyable way of teaching that pupils can easily understand. I am glad I have improved my understanding of this topic and plan to use my skills frequently in future classroom settings.

The Lead Project (2014) Super Scratch Programming Adventure: Learn to Program by Making Cool Games! No Starch Press.
Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice. Pearson.
Scottish Government (2008) The Curriculum for Excellence [Online]

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