Library Improvement

If you are working to improve your school library (or establish a new library!), here are resources to guide you. We at SLO prefer to visit schools and offer tailored advice, so if you’re at a Glasgow school, contact us about your library improvement plans.

As a professional school library service, we follow the Vibrant Libraries, Thriving Schools National Strategy for School Libraries in Scotland.


One of the biggest questions we receive from schools is how to go about sourcing funds for books in their classroom and main library. We always recommend the Foyle Foundation.

Click here to see a Twitter thread by Teresa Cremin about library funding suggestions.


How Good Is Our School Library? [Complete Framework] – This guide coordinates with How Good Is Our School? and Curriculum for Excellence.

How Good Is Our School Library? [SLO Checklist] – Our short adaptation of HGIOSL exclusively for primary schools.

Managing Stock

Accepting Donations – People often give old or unwanted books to schools. Read these notes about what to accept and when to refuse.

Stock Weeding – Before you can organize your library, you need to remove tired or unsuitable material. Read more about what needs to go.


Reading for Enjoyment categories – A simple organization system for fiction based on reading level.

Nonfiction Classification – Organisation for nonfiction.

Book Labels – Guidance on how to label books, regardless of organisation system.

Library Suppliers and Supplies – A short list of recommended supplies and where to buy them.


Maintenance Overview – General library upkeep.

Maintenance checklist for pupils – A simple checklist to help pupil assistants maintain your library.

COVID-safe book usage.