Module 3 Reflection: Primary Transcript
Situation: there are a group of children who are working with the teacher on a reading and comprehension activity
Teacher: So what are you thinking?
Euan: The bear needs to climb the tree to get the honey pot
Teacher: What was it from the text that made you think that?
Euan: It said he could see it high up but couldn’t reach it by jumping.
Teacher: That’s great Euan. Amy could you read the next few lines for us please?
Amy (reads the next few lines):
Teacher: You have really concentrated on reading that line correctly Amy with great expression in your voice, fantastic work! Marta can you tell us what happens when the bear got to the top of the tree?
Marta: I’m not sure.
Teacher: I can see that you are stuck on this question. Can you work out why you might be stuck and perhaps try a different strategy to find an answer? Like clues in the pictures or other words?
Marta: If I reread the sentence in my head and look at the picture it looks like there is no honey in the pot.
Teacher: You have really thought about that Marta and used all the information available to you – great work.
(Amy starts to chat quietly to another classmate)
Teacher: Amy, I suggest you listen to what Marta is saying to help you understand the story a bit better.
(Amy looks guilty and apologises)
Teacher: Ok, Gavin, it’s your turn to read the next bit.
(Gavin starts to read but struggles with pronunciation. He goes back to the start of the sentence to reread. With a huff, half way through he gives up again)
Teacher: I am impressed with how you went back to the start of the sentence when you became stuck on that word. What else could you do? Any ideas as to why you are finding this word a challenge? I’m asking you to think about this because I believe that you can figure it out.
Referring back to what you read in the introduction, can you spot any patterns in the way that the teacher is providing feedback by gender?