Tag: online bullying

Digital Wellbeing- June 2022 Online Safety Updates


Online safety and the dark web


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) of the National Crime Agency (NCA) has released resources for use by professionals and parents and carers to understand the dark web. Dark Web Explained (thinkuknow.co.uk) (for professionals) The Dark Web Explained (thinkuknow.co.uk) (for parents and carers)


Keeping Children Safe: Tackling Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour Online Conference


This free online conference from Stop It Now! Scotland takes place on Monday 27th June 14:00 – 17:00. This online conference will showcase learning from Reducing Online Sexual Abuse (ROSA) project that ran between 2018 and 2021 in Glasgow. The conference aims to reach practitioners and operational and strategic managers in social care, education, police and health settings. Keep Children Safe : Tackling Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour Tickets, Mon 27 Jun 2022 at 14:00 | Eventbrite


Online Bullying Podcast


Ofcom has released the second episode of their new podcast series ‘Life online’ which explores themes around online safety. This episode centres on cyberbullying and includes three teenagers sharing their own experiences of online bullying. Online Bullying in the Digital Playground – Life Online | Podcast on Spotify


Online safety SEND resources


Childnet has released new resources around online safety to support young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 11 and over. Thrive Online | Childnet