PSE Other- Senior Phase Links

Shelter Scotland Resources

Shelter Scotland’s School Resources cover homelessness, housing, welfare and poverty. These are all social studies materials for both primary and secondary schools in Scotland, all built in line with the Curriculum for Excellence


Mentors in Violence Prevention

Web based resources and training to provide young people with a range of safe options which can prevent situations from escalating


Royal Bank of Scotland

Online interactive activities to promote positive financial skills



Lesson plans and resources to support the deliver of lessons around financial skills, transitions, interviews etc


FastForward Gambling Toolkit

Resources to support practitioners teaching young people about gambling


Young Scot- That’s Not Ok

No matter what your relationship is with someone, you should be treated with kindness and respect. Know how to spot the signs that something isn’t right and say “That’s Not OK”, developed in partnership with Rape Crisis Scotland and Scottish Women’s Aid.




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