A very warm welcome to the Forth valley and West Lothian Health and Wellbeing Workstream.
We have consulted with staff, pupils and partners, alongside considering the Scottish Government recommendations from the National Thematic Review, before ascertaining our collective priorities to work on. These are outlined below:
We began by looking at Senior Phase Substance Use, as this was where we needed to address equity and was also where the biggest gap existed in terms of resources and staff training. Our working group has been taking forward this priority ever since by creating an online resource, which includes professional learning. We extended our group to include all Secondary, Early Years and Primary Practitioners and have resources below to support substance use education.
In addition to creating new materials we have also collated a wide range of PSE curricular resources from Early to Senior Phase. You can access these here by clicking on the graphic below marked ‘Children and Young People’
More recently our main priority focus was Staff Health and Wellbeing. There was a plentiful supply of Staff Health and Wellbeing resources circulating and we wanted to curate and create those of most value. The resources, that can be accessed below by clicking on the graphic marked ‘Adults’, have been collected in direct response to requests, from our staff health and wellbeing survey and from our partners across our Regional Improvement Collaborative. We also provide professional learning to address collective need across the four local authorities.
Currently our workstreams within our RIC combined to one core team and were renamed Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment focusing on areas within defined topics. We have recently had a focus on Promoting Positive Attendance. You can visit our Attendance page to view our work here. If you have any requests for support with this area, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Please use the contact us link.
*Please note that in specific cases of Health and Wellbeing Needs your local HR Department should be your first line of contact.*
Click here for resource navigation instructions.

Follow – FVWLcollaborative @FVWLric
Collaborate -Teams Spaces (C-Change Hubs) – Use the joining codes below:
Primary – 4vypp6s, Secondary Practitioners PSE – 43f1cvl, Secondary PT Pastoral Care – gcdzzn9
Contact – We look forward to hearing your requests, suggestions and comments. If you have a resource or professional development request, be it Early, Primary or Secondary focused, please contact us. We would be delighted to hear from you!