Ensuring that all Council staff are aware of their responsibility to uphold Children’s Rights and the duties in the UNCRC Incorporation Act is a key issue being progressed by the Working Group. The working Group consists of staff reps from all Council directorates.
Summarised information ’10 things you need to know about UNCRC’ was issued to school and ELC based staff at the start of term and staff were also encouraged to attend the online session on UNCRC for education staff hosted by Education Scotland. Most schools and ELCs have already gained or are working towards Rights Respecting Schools accreditation supported by a PT for Inclusion.
Updates and information on UNCRC implementation has been posted on the Connect staff intranet and highlighted in the weekly staff update.
Staff and Elected Member learning sessions have also been posted on Clacks Academy –
- Understanding Children’s Human Rights – an e-learning package from the Improvement Service
- Introduction to Children’s Rights for Elected Members – also from the Improvement Service
- Children’s Rights – Resources and Practical Tips – an e-learning package from the Children’s Parliament
Services are now considering what further awareness raising activities they need such as Toolbox Talks, Readiness Audit and posters and leaflets that can be developed for parents and pupils.