Webinars on Teen Sleep during COVID-19
These webinars are a partnership production between the Emerging Minds Network and The Mental Elf and were recorded on 27 May 2020. They were delivered by experts in the field who shared their knowledge and experience and answered questions during the webinars. The aim of the webinars were to share what research says about sleep and mental wellbeing in children and young people and to explore the potential practical implicationsfor families. There are 3 available through the link below, the 3rd one is a combination of the first 2 along with a question and answer session. https://emergingminds.org.uk/podcast-teen-sleep-during-covid-19/
SeeMe: Mental Health – Stigma and Discrimination module
A resource from SeeMeScotland helping young people to understand mental health and have a more positive attitude towards dealing with it.
Transferring the Emotional Load webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGR69hYvfw0&feature=youtu.be
HWB Recovery Plan Webinar (West Lothian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSr41GUOf2g
SAMH module for teachers:
‘We all have mental health: an introduction for teachers’, to provide teachers with an introduction to mental health; equip them with the skills and knowledge to recognise and respond to a pupil who is experiencing a mental health problem; and lead a conversation about positive mental health.
Free Stress Management Course (NHS Fife):
This is an online and modified version of Step on Stress for managing our stress and anxiety during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This online resource has four sessions 1) Introduction and Wellbeing 2) Managing Your Body 3) Managing Unhelpful Behaviours 4) Managing Your Thoughts. To get the maximum benefit of this online course, we would encourage everyone to watch each of the four sessions in the running order (1-4).
Psychosocial First Aid
Key resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of you and your staff members. Includes sections on managing stress, coping and resilience.
Health and wellbeing video resource – Self-reporting on progress | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)
This video resource exemplifies young people from early to senior phase self-reporting about their health and wellbeing. They describe and illustrate the skills, knowledge and capabilities they have in relation to health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes which are the responsibility of all.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing
The Mental Health Foundation Scotland, Digital Bricks Learning and Children’s Health Scotland have created a Professional Learning Resource for Scottish Government in Mental Health and Wellbeing. It has been designed for all staff working in schools across Scotland. It is open access and available to anyone who may find it of benefit.