Category: Health and Wellbeing

Planning for Choices and Changes- Second Level Lessons

Making Choices and Decisions

As children get older, they will have lots of opportunities to make their own choices and decisions. It is important that children feel empowered to make these choices and decisions. This will help them develop confidence and independence.


Making Good Choices

As children grow and develop, they will make more choices that impact on their lives and the lives of others. It is important that they think about strategies for making good choices.


How I Feel When Things Change

As they grow and develop, all children will experience changes in their lives. Whilst some children cope well with change, it can cause stress and worry for others. These activities will explore some of the feelings that children may have when they experience change and help them deal with these feelings.



PSE Other- Second Level Lessons

Barclays Life Skills Lesson

A series of lessons from Barclays covering topics such as debt, careers, growth mindset and various other topics


Eat Like a Champ

Healthy Eating resources aimed at P6. Lessons are resources are free but require a sign up


Counter Extremism

This resource has been developed in collaboration with school practitioners, extremism experts, the Department for Education and the Home Office. It is designed to reflect recent developments around extremism and empower staff to safeguard pupils as part of a whole-school approach to implementing the Prevent duty.


Educate Against Hate

Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.

PSE Other- Second Level Links

Crush Resources- Domestic Abuse

Resources for teaching about domestic abuse.



Variety of resources focusing on rights of the child


Rise Above

Rise Above is where you will find interesting and useful stuff from the web and beyond to get us all talking about the things that matter to us. You’ll find inspiring and useful stories, videos, games and advice.


Barclays Life Skills

Wide range of topics and resources from Barclays life skills


RBS Money Sense

Online interactive activities to promote positive financial skills


Be Internet Legends

To make the most of the internet, children need to make smart decisions. Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.


Think You Know

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.


My Safety Net

Safety Net is a charity which helps children and young people feel safe and confident. Young people like you, tell us they worry about things like bullying, friendships, feeling safe at home, and more. We help you by listening to these worries and finding ways together, to manage them.


Better Movers, Better Thinkers

Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT) is an approach to learning and teaching in physical education designed to develop the ability of all children and young people to move and think in a more cohesive way with a specific focus on developing, enhancing and fostering Executive Function (EF) skills within the learning process.


Eat Like a Champ

Various resources aimed at 9-10 year olds, all about healthy eating. Also includes information for parents and children/young people themselves


Educate Against Hate

Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.