NHS Forth Valley Self Help Guides
Self help guides covering a range of topics including: self harm, anxiety, stress, sleeping, panic and food for thought.
Mental Health Foundation – Make it Count:
This guide is for teachers to help them create a classroom and school environment where children can thrive with good mental health.
Free podcast from The Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard University. The first guest of this special series is Centre Director Dr. Jack Shonkoff. He and host Sally Pfitzer discuss how to support healthy child development during a pandemic, including the importance of caring for caregivers. They also talk about what we’ve already learned as a result of the coronavirus, and what we hope to continue learning.
Meditation and Sleep Made Simple – Headspace App
An app to help you be: Less stressed. More resilient. Happier. It all starts with just a few minutes a day.
A free app designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety.
Meditation techniques to aid with stress and sleep.
Apps to Support Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
This is a collection of apps that are designed to support young people, adults and families with their mental health and well-being. If you click on the image it will open the app site in a new window. Some of these do need a paid subscription to use them while others have been made freely available during the Covid situation
Clear Fear app
The fear of threat, or anxiety makes you want to fight it or run away. Instead, face your fear with the free, Clear Fear app and learn to reduce the physical responses to threat as well as changing thoughts and behaviours and releasing emotions. The app was developed for teenage mental health charity stem4
by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and uses the evidence-based treatment Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).The app can be personalised and can track progress and notice change. You can download the app, and the guide on using it during Covid-19, on the website below.