Our FVWL RIC have collaborated and have been developing our anti-racist practice and invite you to come on the journey with us. Our aims are to provide education staff across our FVWL RIC with professional learning and practical tools to support their own anti-racist journey and to inspire, build confidence and create a collaborative community.

Scotland is determined in tackling the injustice of racism, and education needs to be at the forefront of building a better future by acknowledging the past and recognising how this continues to impact our lives today. As we move towards incorporation of UNCRC in Scots law, all duty bearers need to understand the importance of Article 2 where all children should not be discriminated when all rights are realised.

We have developed our Anti-Racism Toolkit to support practitioners and senior leaders on their anti-racism journey. This already has a variety of resources including:

  • why anti-racism is important
  • examples of anti-racist education in practice
  • professional learning
  • leading anti-racism

The toolkit, which is being further developed, can be accessed via the link below: