Tag Archives: Highlands

Frozen Music

“Frozen Music” is an online photographic competition and series of physical exhibitions which will invite the public to submit a photograph or short video which is a response to architecture and landscape in the Highlands. We encourage responses from as wide a range as possible of photographers -anyone with a camera, from children to professionals -we want to see the Highlands through your eyes. Responses may be micro or macro in scale, deal with landscaping, textures, relationships of form, human interaction, or broad vistas.This inspiring project will feature a large outreach component with a children’s and teenage category in the competition and a learning resource pack for teachers.The selected works will then tour across the Highlands displaying the work in a non- traditional manner.Goethe called Architecture ‘Frozen Music’ and music ‘Liquid Architecture’, which is the title of a proposed new music commission elements of which will accompany the exhibition

Details of the festival nationally are available on  www.foa2016.com and the competition on  www.facebook.com/FrozenMusic2016/. A website is being developed and will go live shortly, the competition will run throughout May and closes on May 30th.