Event Category: Religious and Moral Education

Join us as Dr Rebekah Sims of the University  of Strathclyde provides examples of creative and exploratory approaches to RME which are ‘invitational’; inviting learners and teachers to explore moral, spiritual, and cultural aspects of religions & worldviews in the primary classroom. Using CfE RME Principles & Practices, creative approaches move beyond “learning about” religions/worldviews …

Join us as Dr David Lewin of the University of Strathclyde explores how the curriculum in RME is produced. Drawing from debates about the status of worldviews in England, and also from discussions from continental contexts, Dr Lewin will propose that the subject matter of RME is not just ‘sitting out there’ waiting to be …

Nuzhat Uthmani of the University of Stirling will explore: How can we bring about positive change in our pedagogy which is underpinned by the values of global citizenship and social justice? A specialist in antiracist education, Nuzhat will consider how far our approaches to RME promote the understanding of world religions in isolation, and how …

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