
Welcome to the Technologies learning teaching and assessment blog! Here you will find information on the work undertaken by the Technologies and Digital curriculum team. We offer free bespoke Curriculum Support in the Technologies.

The purpose of this support is to provide hands-on support working alongside practitioners in all sectors to improve learning, teaching, and assessment. 

We can offer national, regional and local support.  Information on national support is available on this page. Regional and local support and Professional Learning (anything from an hour to a full day) can be negotiated and built to support the needs of cluster groups, subject networks, individual schools, and subject departments and can cover a number of areas of focus.

Support can take place virtually or in person, depending on demand.  Information is also available on this page about existing networks (local, regional or national) as well resources available for practitioners.

To discuss your requirements please contact

Curriculum Support and Professional Learning

Type of support


Curriculum Design Support around reviewing your Technologies curriculum rationale, curriculum drivers and design principles in relation to your school context.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Support packages built with schools/local authorities around their approaches to pedagogy, moderation and assessment across the Technologies curriculum.  
Data Analysis Support to reflect on your data , including SQA results in relation to national data and plan professional learning programmes around identified development areas.
Leadership of Learning Support with practitioner enquiry through agile leadership and other methodologies.

The support can take place virtually or in person, depending on demand.  To discuss your requirements please contact


National Technologies Network – local authority representatives 

Primary Computing Science Leadership Forum

Secondary Computing Science Forum in Glow – link

Scottish CDT Forum in Glow – link

CyberFirst Forum in Glow – link

CEOP ambassador Forum

Contact for more information.

Key documents