Category: RMPS OD

Professional Learning in RMPS, Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy- April 2024 and beyond

Evidence-based subject professional learning is always in demand across the Scottish Education system. I am currently planning the Professional Learning Calendar for RMPS, Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy from April 2024 onwards. We’ve had an expansion of professional learning so far throughout 2023-2024 and I want to keep up that momentum for the rest of the year and into the next term.
Events take place on Teams (not Glow) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays anytime between 1600-1800 as best suits each presenter
If you would like to offer to run/co-run a professional learning event I’d like to hear from you!
Some examples of professional learning you might wish to offer – whether you’re a teacher, lecturer, local authority officer or third sector organisation) are:
  • Sharing practice which you’ve found works (always very popular!)
  • Any research you have been engaged in (practitioner enquiry, masters or doctorate research)
  • Topics/themes in which you have an interest/experience you’d like to share
  • Anything else you think those in your subject community would like to hear about
All the meeting organisation, advertising etc. is done by Education Scotland – all you need to do is come along with your presentation and share with others.
If you’d like to offer one or more sessions, or just chat through some possibilities, please contact