Tag Archives: Early Years

Free Community Resilience Conversation and Networking Event – Inverness October 7th

Community Resilience Education – Free Conversation Day and Networking Event

09:30 (for 10:00 start) – 15:00, Tuesday 7th October 2014

Venue: Thistle Hotel, Millburn Road, Inverness, IV2 3TR

Education Scotland is excited to be hosting a second community resilience conversation and networking event with a view to developing a shared, partnership approach to provide 3-18 resilience education opportunities.

The day aims to bring together members of the Scottish Government, emergency planning and civil contingencies teams from local councils, representatives from local education authorities, and members of other key organisations to consider the potential of community resilience as a rich and exciting context for teaching and learning. Key contexts for focus include flooding, severe weather and pandemic flu and the impact they can have on communities and how we can take steps to mitigate against their impact through educating learners.

We would also like to extend this event invite to school representatives (members of management teams, or teachers who have been, or are interested in engaging in community resilience education) to explore how we can take forward resilience education. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Conversation activities will provide delegates with opportunities to network and engage in professional dialogue in relation to developing more resilient individuals, families and communities. Selected examples of good practice will be shared through engaging presentations delivered by Education Scotland, Scottish Government, local councils and schools.

All interested delegates should register online at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N2F3TWC to confirm attendance and inform us of any special dietary or access requirements you may have.

If you have any further questions or your school is/has been involved in community resilience projects or initiatives and you would be interested in presenting at the event to share your practice with others, please contact Jennifer Moore at: Jennifer.Moore@educationscotland.gov.uk

National Play Strategy: Review of Inclusive Play in Scotland

A Review of Inclusive Play in Scotland was identified as a high priority within the National Play Strategy Action Plan (2013), recognising that all children in Scotland have the right to play. The Plan particularly mentions the play rights of disabled children and young people and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Please take part in this important review by completing our SURVEY and encourage others – adults, children and young people – to do so.

We hope to find out about:

  • the existing barriers to inclusive play in Scotland
  • the aspirations about inclusive play
  • approaches, tools, practice and strategies that work well in ensuring play experiences and opportunities are inclusive

The adults survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/reviewofinclusiveplayinscotland

The survey for children and young people can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/childrenandyoungpeoplessurvey

Closing date for SURVEY Wednesday 27th August 2014


In this review we will gather information in four ways: using existing information, an online survey, interviews and conversations, and three consultation events.

We hope that you can become involved and share your experiences, information and views.

You can contact us at

Theresa Casey theresa.playreview@gmail.com


Anne-Marie Mackin amm.playreview@gmail.com