Tag Archives: behaviour

Have we moved on from talking about ‘Behaviour Management’?

Behaviour or Relationships?

I came across this interesting video from a 1947 classroom which gives teacher tips on managing pupil behaviour. Have a wee look:

Some questions to reflect on:

  • What has moved on?
  • Is anything the same or similar?
  • What should the focus be: control behaviour, or relate to the person?

Join the conversation on the Inclusion Hub.

Restorative Approaches National Conference

Glasgow City Council would like to invite you to our first Restorative Approaches National Conference. This conference is for everyone working with children, young people and/or families. It will be of interest to those who are involved in relationship-based interventions, working with young people and adults to help resolve conflict, repair emotional harm and utilise reflective practice within schools and communities.

Click for Margs' Profile

We are delighted to bring Marg Thorsborne, a leading expert from Australia in the area of Restorative Approaches, to Glasgow. Marg will deliver keynote speeches over the course of three days. These will incorporate an overview and implementation of Restorative Approaches. She will also facilitate, through a series of workshops, how this practice can help promote and maintain positive relationships in our daily interactions with adults, children and young people.

We are delighted that Marg is spending most of her time in Scotland at this conference, in addition to her further training events with Education Scotland and other local authorities.

The conference in Glasgow will take place over three days, with each day having a particular focus.

Click here for the Conference flyer and booking form.