The Curriculum Area Impact Review Report for Religious and Moral Education/Religious Education was published in February 2014. The report highlighted strengths in RERC in Scotland but also identified some significant aspects for improvement which are the responsibility of senior leaders across all sectors. The report is available here.
A national engagement event has been arranged to explore the implications of this Impact Review Report, consider what high quality RERC looks like and how improvements in RERC can be realised, and support continuous improvement in RERC through effective self-evaluation and high quality leadership.
This free one day event is aimed at Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers across early years establishments, primary, special and secondary Roman Catholic schools and will take place as follows:
8 December 2014: The Europa Building, Glasgow
Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
If you would to book a place at one of these events, or would like further information about the events, please contact