Scottish Educational Research Association: Annual Conference Wednesday 19- 21 November 2014, University of Edinburgh

The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) is holding its annual conference in November in Edinburgh.  SERA strongly encourages all members of the educational community in Scotland, and beyond, to participate in the conference.  Along with the varied inputs in the programme, some key activities are of particular interest to practitioners, student teachers and early career researchers. 

  • Join one of the SERA networks and take part in network activities held at the conference and throughout the year. Current SERA networks include: Early years education; Early career researchers; Poverty and Education. A new network on Leadership in Education may be launched shortly. 
  • Participate in discussion at round tables centring on key topics in Scottish education.
  • Make contacts with educational researchers, members of learned societies and government representatives in the course of discussion sessions and social events.
  • Participate in a dedicated session to meet the Editors of Scottish Educational Review (SER), the key educational research journal in Scotland, and the Research in Education Bulletin (REB).
  • Access, publish and disseminate your experiences in the classroom, reflections and research into practice.
  • Submit a paper for the Estelle Brisard Award for the best paper written by an early career researcher.

 A small fund is available from SERA to support delegates’ attendance. Please visit the website at to find out more about how to apply.

SERA aims to promote educational research and debate about the contribution research can make to enhanced practice.  SERA membership brings the opportunity to join an active community of teachers, policy makers, teacher-researchers, professional researchers, research funders and other educational professionals.

CLD regulations – 1 year to go

It is now one year to go until each local authority publishes a three year plan for community learning and development in its area, setting out how the local authority and its partners will:

• improve life chances for people of all ages through learning, personal development and active citizenship;
• develop stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities.

As a hub of the community, schools have a key part to play in the lives of both young people and their families. You may already be involved in work locally with your community learning and development partners around The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013, which came into force last September. If not, we’d like to make you aware what is happening and encourage you to contact your local CLD partners for more information.
The CLD Regulations consist of two parts:

• a process to audit CLD needs, strengths and opportunities with communities and partners;
• a three year plan setting out what local authorities and their partners will do to meet needs, how they will co-ordinate their provision, and any CLD needs which will not be met during this period.

The first of these plans must be published by 1st September 2015. If you would like more information on the CLD Regulations, please go to the CLD pages of Education Scotland’s website or talk to your local CLD partners.