Today is Playday!

Playday is the national day for play in the UK, traditionally held on the first Wednesday in August.

Playday 2014 is on 6 August.

On Playday thousands of children and their families get out to play at hundreds of community events across the UK.


Playday is a celebration of children’s right to play, and a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children’s lives.

Click here to find out more about Playday.

Play ‘boosts children’s development and happiness’

A report out today, for the Children’s Play Policy Forum, found play improved children’s physical and mental health, as well as their emotional well-being. It also helps boost children’s language development, problem solving, risk management and independent learning skills.

Click here to read more about the report from BBC News.

National 5 Sciences Resource Guides

Education Scotland’s Sciences have posted resources guides for Biology, Chemistry and Physics on the Sciences Glow 365 site. These guides, similar to those created for Higher, maps useful resources to key areas within the SQA’s course and unit support notes. Guides can be found in the appropriate subject folder. Use the hashtags for more updates into your Glow newsfeed or set alerts for these updates to appear in your glow inbox. These guides are part of the increasing number of resources found on the NQ Higher Sciences Site , the NQ course materials Glow portal and the Sciences Glow 365 site