For information, resources, support, key organisations and national guidelines on taking learning outdoors click on the link below to access the Education Scotland outdoor learning online resource:
Education Scotland Outdoor Learning online resource
Key documents available on this resource include:
- Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning – this document provides guidance on how your school or centre can provide the best opportunities for creative and inspiring outdoor learning.
- Outdoor Learning: Practical guidance, ideas and support for teachers and practitioners in Scotland – this document provides materials and resources for teachers to support the embedding of Curriculum for Excellence through outdoor learning.
- Outdoor Learning 3-18: Self-evaluation resource – this resource is specifically designed to support teachers and educators in pre-school centres and primary, special and secondary schools and Community Learning and Development (CLD) to evaluate the potential of their work to help children and young people learn outdoors.
- Building your Curriculum: Outside & In – This document supports a strategic approach to the development of Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning.
- Going Out There: Scottish Framework for Safe Practice in Off-site Visits – This framework has been developed in partnership by the Scottish Government, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education (SAPOE), Education Scotland and the Association of Directors of Education, with input from other partners including voluntary organisations and providers.
A downloadable word document highlighting all these links is available here: Education Scotland Outdoor Learning online support materials