Always Hear is Waverley Care’s new Scotland-wide HIV awareness and anti-stigma campaign funded by the Scottish Government. The campaign gives a voice to people living with HIV in Scotland using four films to capture the experiences of four people who are HIV positive.
From the start of June, ‘Always Hear’ resource packs are being distributed to every secondary school in Scotland. Produced in association with Education Scotland, the resources are suitable for use with S3-S6 groups. The materials focus on health and wellbeing within the curriculum looking at relationships, emotional wellbeing, stigma and HIV transmission. Cross-curriculum links are also highlighted. Included in the pack are a DVD of the four films, HIV information sheets covering HIV Basics, HIV Statistics, HIV Stigma and HIV Myths, written case studies and the Curriculum for Excellence resources.
Visit to view the films and download the resources. For more information, email or call 0131 556 9710.