CELCIS has launched a new website for the revised We Can and Must Do Better training materials.
The We Can and Must Do Better training materials were originally produced on a DVD-ROM in 2008. CELCIS has now reviewed and updated these materials to reflect current research and Scottish policy and practice around:
- Getting It Right for Every Child
- Curriculum for Excellence
- Additional Support for Learning
- The Looked After Children Regulations 2009
- Early Years
- Parenting
The materials are relevant to anyone working with looked after children, care leavers and their families; in particular residential workers, foster carers, kinship carers, teachers, social workers and health professionals. They may also be relevant to professionals from across the wider child care workforce who are working with any vulnerable children and families.
These materials can be used for self study or/and as a resource for trainers to develop tutored training courses.
View the We Can and Must Do Better website.