Tag Archives: Equality

Society and Lifestyles – Monday 6th of January 2017

In society and lifestyles, we were learning about disabilities and what it means to have a disability. This was important as many people in society believe that disability can only be physical and not mental. We also learned more about the attitudes towards disabilities throughout history and how this has changed dramatically. In the past, people with disabilities were treated a lot worse, as they had to rely on charity, they were kept in asylums and they were limited to low income. There was a Disability Rights Movement that took place that argued that disabled were subject to harsh treatment. Due to this society, has become more equal and products have been open to universal designs so that everyone can use it.

I understand some concepts as we got taught this in modern studies, and got taught policies such as “Fit for Work” which has been very controversial. I need to learn more about how society dealt with disabilities throughout the years. A way in which I will learn more about this subject will be to use the PowerPoint and recording of the lecture, which will give me greater insight. I could also use some of my modern studies notes to help me with some of these areas.

I think this is very important for teachers to know about so that they can support children with disabilities to the fullest of their needs.

Society and Lifestyles – 30th of January 2017

At the start of the lecture we had about 10 minutes to write about what we knew about the words inclusive and equality. I thought this was a good way of us learning as this gave us a chance to research what we were going to learn about. The lecturer then went into more detail and asked what our views were on inclusion and equality. This helped me understand what other people in the class were thinking, and what their views were. The lecturer also explained why both were important, and ways in which this has been introduced into society, by for example different policies like “The Equality Act”. The lecturer also went into how if people did not promote inclusion that it could lead to sexism, racism, sectarianism etc. Throughout the lesson, we learned what having a connection is and that it means focuses on interdependence, team work, relationships and sense of community”.

I understand most of the subjects covered as I done modern studies which went into some depth of equality and some acts. However, this lecture went into a lot more detail about what it means to be inclusive, and the three stages of inclusion and also what it means to have privilege.

I also understand what discrimination is, as the media report it every day. However, I would like to learn more about the scale of discrimination and how it can start with Antilocution which is when people can say a sensitive joke, or comment negatively on another group of people.

A way in which I can understand the areas which I am struggling to understand would be to use reliable sources of information from books, or websites which are government and organisation based.

I thought this lecture was very interesting and believe that this is something teachers need to know more about, so we can teach children morals to decrease the amount of discrimination in the world, and so that children see everyone as equal.