Act for a Career – Better Employability for All’ is a project by European partners from the regions of Nuremberg and City of Glasgow. Both cities are experts in education and entrepreneurial learning. The project was made possible through funding from the European Union under the ERASMUS+ programme.
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Schlau project- Nuremburg |
Developing the Young Workforce- Glasgow City Council |
Project Descriptor
Unemployment is a social and economic disadvantage and hurts at any age. Unemployment at a young age, however, generates a long-lasting negative impact. School leavers who fail to find adequate apprenticeships or relevant future employment pathways stand in danger of ending up with insufficient vocational training and further education or none at all. As a consequence, many will find themselves trapped in the low-paid sectors of the labour market, hardly making ends meet. Some will have to accept ignoble contracts, others will feel they have no prospect of getting a proper job at all. There can be no doubt that unemployment from early on adds to the probability of experiencing long spells of joblessness and increases the risk of social exclusion. Experiencing ‘a state of precarity’, young people may grow frustrated and alienated, become defeatist and even fall criminal. Unemployment therefore is a social as well as a political challenge. Politicians at national as well as EU level, teachers and social workers are well aware that adequate answers and effective solutions are needed urgently.
This project will look closely at the educational Careers in Glasgow, Nuremberg and Maastricht for tackling youth unemployment. It aims to encourage professional collaboration and learning from each other and to present solutions within the EU Strategy 2020 and EU Youth Guarantee that will pertain not only to these individual cities but which are transnational and helpful in many other contexts within the EU.